👋 Approach

First of all, thank you for participating in this user test. My name is ______________.

We're improving the user experience of our product ______________, and we're working on new features.

Thinking Aloud Protocol For each screen, openly express your feelings, your thoughts or your concerns whether it's positive or negative. Speak your mind.

If you are blocked, don't worry, remember that it's not about you, it's about the prototype.

During the test, you can ask questions, but I couldn't always answer, because we want to test the prototype on real conditions without external help.

Prototype Semi-functional

The prototype is not entirely functional. So it's possible I could sometimes help you if needed or ask you to imagine non-present elements on the screen. Do you have any questions ?

🤝 Pre-test Survey

Before starting the test I have a few questions. Then at the end, I would ask you to complete a little satisfaction survey about your experience on the prototype.

  1. What is your job and for how long have you been working at _______ ?
  2. What are the main activities of your work life ?
  3. With who do you collaborate most of your time at work ? And why ?
  4. Have you ever worked with _______ ? If yes, what do you use it for ?
  5. What are the main features of your current _______ ?

<aside> 💡 Here is just exemple of question, you'll notice that we prefer open question without being limited or influenced by predefined answers. This will be important to you to complet the Personae and the User Journey.


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